I had a wonderful time, but I felt like I was on a knitting marathon. For a total, I knitted the following: 4 pairs of socks, 2 shawls, 2 scarfs, 1 vest, 3 hats, and 1 sweater. This lovely vest is for Nina, and as much as I tried, it wasn't finished in time, so she will get it when I get back to work.
The yarn is Scotian Silk and the pattern is Celtic Vest, both by Fleece Artist, but ordered from the very nice folks at Colorsong Yarn. The hardest part of this whole vest was picking out the color yarn I wanted, there is 42 colors...way too many!
While at my sisters for the holidays, I was able to finish my last holiday project (except for buttons). It was for me, so I didn't count it in the 'knitted gift.' The Favorite Cardigan from the wonderful book "custom knits" by
Wendy Bernard. The yarn was JaggerSpun Zephyr from Sarah's Yarn.